Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Arizona shooting

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I looked at the picture of the suspect, Jared Loughner, such an attractive young man, and I felt endlessly sad. For congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her family, for the other people who died in the shooting, for this boy-who-just-became-a-man's family and also for him, the killer himself. What makes such a young person, who has his whole life ahead of him, do such a horrible thing? Was it in his genes? Or his upbringing? His domestic circumstances? Was he bullied at school? Did people cause him to do what he did?

Or was he just insane at that moment when he took the lives of so many innocent people? What went through his mind? What motivated him in the first place? Hate? Anger? Revenge? He must have known, the moment he pulled that trigger for the first shot that his life would never be the same. That it has changed forever. And not in a good way. He could have very well killed himself, because I'm fairly sure he will never be a free man again, ever.

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