Let your brain do the slimming
The feeling of feat and desperation after failing yet another diet is no stranger to most
overweight people. Usually you kick off with much enthusiasm, convinced that you have found the ideal diet this time. You follow it to the letter and are encouraged when you start losing weight. But it doesn’t last too long before the cravings begin and, no matter how hard you fight against it, in the end you give in to binge eating again.
What makes matters worse is that every time you failed, you end up with more kilos than you have started with. It’s the same pattern all over again, like so many times before. You are left with feelings of depression and disgust. You hate yourself for being weak and you hate food for being so important yet so destructive in your life. You hate dieting and being fat.
The sad truth is that diets only work as long as you follow them and the reason why it’s so hard to stick to a diet is because your brain is fighting you every step of the way when you are on a diet. It goes into ‘survival mode’ the moment you start dieting, thus slowing down your metabolism and ‘saving’ your fat for the hunger that is to come.
That’s why the best way of losing weight permanently is first of all to quit dieting.
Secondly, stop regarding food as your enemy. And thirdly, don’t obsess about your weight or food. Instead, start giving your brain the ‘right’ messages. Look at it this way: your brain is like the hard drive of a computer, and your thoughts and feelings are the data you feed it. By thinking negatively you are programming your brain for failure. And as long as you continue doing so it will execute this ‘order’.
No matter what you eat, whether it’s something healthy or junk food, enjoy it. The secret is to savor every bite you eat. Don’t gobble it down without tasting it. You will be amazed how much quicker you are going to feel sated. And once in the habit of eating this way weight loss will be inevitable and will become automatic and effortless. You will simply crave less food and healthier food. Your metabolism will speed up end you will become very efficient at burning fat.
Eat whatever you like, but make a point of including something nutritious with every meal.
A deficiency of nutrients will result in your feeling hungry and tired, no matter how many hamburgers, pies or chocolate cake you eat. An important tip: When you eat a fruit, start your meal with it. Then your system will absorb all of the nutrients. Eating it afterward will result in acid forming in your stomach that will destroy most of the nutrients.
Don’t ever allow yourself to get hungry. Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day instead of 1 or 2 big ones. This way your brain will get the message of abundance and you will never feel hungry
while your metabolism will speed up. Most importantly, don’t skip breakfast. If you are not used to eating in the morning, eat at least one fruit. Another tip: use a small plate. This will trick your brain into thinking that you are eating more than you actually do. So, it will not go into survival mode. Also, use a small cake fork so that you get into the habit of taking small bites.
Finally: look at naturally thin people. They don’t have a dysfunctional relationship with
food; they never talk about it constantly or care what or how much they eat. Yet, they are thin. That’s because they are in perfect harmony with their brain!
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